Monday, May 2, 2011

Treatment and Alternative Foods For Wheat Intolerance

If you are diagnosed with wheat intolerance, you may ask your doctor or dietitian what foods you need to avoid. Obviously, avoiding wheat would seem to be a good first step. But wheat is used in so many things, that sometimes other options can be difficult to locate.

When you avoid wheat, you are also avoiding some of the proteins that are found in wheat, including albumin, globulin, gliadin and gluten. Gluten itself is very hard to avoid completely. It is in so many foods, and it's also used as a starch, a binder, an emulsifier, a bulking agent, a stabilizer and a thickener.

Wheat Bread

The following foods contain wheat and should be avoided if you are diagnosed with wheat intolerance:

Waffles, wheat germ, vermicelli and some yeasts
Soy sauce, tortillas, spaghetti, tamari
Rye bread, soups, sausages, sauces
Pretzels, rolls, pumpernickel bread, puddings
Pastries, pizza, pita bread, pies, pepper
Pasta, pancake mixes, ovaltine
Noodles, muffins, MSG, mayonnaise
Matzos, malted milk, malt products, macaroni
Liverwurst, ice cream cones, ice cream, hot dogs
Gravy, granola, graham crackers, flours
Farina, dumplings, doughnuts, croutons
Cream of wheat, crackers, cornbread, cookies
Cold cuts, cocoa, chocolate, cereals
Candy, cakes, buns, bulgur
Bread crumbs, bread, bran, bouillon
Bologna, biscuits, batter-fried foods
Barley malt, some baby foods, alcoholic beverages

Even thought this list is exhaustive, the main treatment for wheat intolerance is avoiding those foods that contain wheat, including wheat gluten.

If your problem with wheat is more allergy and less intolerance, there actually is a cure of sorts, for the allergy. It's not often practiced or preached, but it's called an energy-based elimination treatment. They have been found to be effective, quick and permanent.

The treatment here entails elimination of gluten from your diet, for life. Even after you exclude gluten, a full return to normal bowel function may take months to occur, and it may not ever occur. Supportive treatments usually include supplemental folic acid, vitamin B12 and iron. You will also need to reverse the imbalance of electrolytes that your body experiences, and you may need IV fluids for dehydration. In some cases, vitamin K is used, as well as corticosteroids for adrenal insufficiency.

If you are diagnosed with wheat intolerance, and you start on a gluten and wheat free diet, the results can be dramatic, and you may feel as though a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders. The symptoms will be reduced or disappear altogether. In other cases, the improvement may be more gradual, because the small intestine's lining does take time to grow.

Once you have been diagnosed, you can take control of your body once more, and control of your life, as well. Simply following a gluten-free diet will put you back in the driver's seat.

Treatment and Alternative Foods For Wheat Intolerance

Find tips about spleen pain, tummy pain and other information at the Health And Nutrition Tips website.

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