Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fattening Foods - Whole Wheat Breads Can Make You Fat

There are several foods that actually cause belly fat that might surprise you -- almost all folks incorrectly think that these foods are good for you. Every time we suggest to a client that they should consider eliminating these foods from their diet, they're shocked.

One of the foods that's often incorrectly thought to be good for you is any product made from wheat -- this includes almost all breads (bagels, muffins, etc.), cereals, pasta, crackers, etc. And yep, I'm including "whole" wheat in this family of these foods which can cause you to store fat. I include whole wheat because it's only due to a technicality (loop hole?) that legally allows food manufacturers to label something "whole wheat" or "whole grain" even if it only contains a small amount of whole grains.

Wheat Bread

First, a great many people have some degree of problem with the gluten found in wheat as well as several other grains. Those who have been correctly diagnosed as having celiac disease are highly sensitive to gluten, but what most people don't understand is that the human gastrointestinal system was not designed to consume the massive amounts of wheat found in today's diets. Here, we have a fundamental design issue. The incorporation of large quantities of wheat into the human diet has only taken place within the last 80-100 years. This is a relatively small amount of time compared to the diet that the human digestive system acclimated to over the many years of eating a hunter-gatherer diet of meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

It is interesting to note that from our experience with many clients, that those who are willing to take us up on the suggestion of doing away with all forms of wheat from their diet for two to three weeks to see if they begin to slim down and feel better, nearly always come back to report amazing results. Often, they not only start to shed body fat, but they also notice that the headaches and indigestion that has troubled them for as long as they can remember also goes away. Occasionally even undesirable skin conditions disappear by simply eliminating wheat from their diet.

In summary, eating significant quantities of wheat products actually causes you to store fat. Be wary of products labeled whole wheat. Read the label. You can find a few that are legitimate, but most only contain a hint of whole wheat.

Fattening Foods - Whole Wheat Breads Can Make You Fat

If you want the facts about eating strategically for lasting fat loss, I'd like to invite you to visit to read these five tips for Losing Body Fat the intelligent and effective way.

You'll receive information that is definitely changing lives.

From Jerry Graham - aka DocJerry & the other half of The Coaching Pair

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