Friday, May 6, 2011

Does Eating Bread Stimulate Teenage Acne?

Have you ever suspected that the bread that you eat every day may be sparking off your acne problem? There are reports which say that teenagers eating bread regularly may be prone to acne problems more than the adults are. Some statistics point to this assumption. Apparently, 60% of children under 12 years and 95% of teenagers are said to have got acne caused by bread-eating.

Specific researches done by American dermatologists confirm the fact that a combination of refined sugar, wheat and grains tend to boost insulin production. It is an established fact that excessive insulin can cause acne to occur. However, it is a different issue that of late there are low carbohydrate diets that are popular and these are likely to reduce acne breakouts for some people.

Wheat Bread

Loren Cordain, researching on the subject at the Colorado State University, has observed that insulin gushes can result from eating refined bread, which is easily digested. This will also lead to the production of IGF-1, an element akin to insulin. A combination of these substances can activate male hormones that create liberal amounts of sebum. All the extra amounts of thick sebum closes up the pores of the skin and gets collected under the skin, allowing bacterial growth. This eventually leads to eruption of acne.

Interestingly, research results have also highlighted that teenagers living in some other countries do not from acne so intensely. This is connected to the fact that consumption of processed foods in these societies is very less. There is another observation that supports this theory. The problem is said to have steeply increased among the Inuit population of Alaska ever since they migrated from traditional food habits to processed foods consumed by the Western societies.

In Melbourne, Australia, dermatologists in RMIT University are pursuing an extensive study to find out if low-carbohydrate diet really helps reduce the occurrence of acne. These skin specialists have gathered loads of evidence by studying their patients who switched to low carbohydrate foods. It is to the credit of the Australian researchers that their studies are the first ever controlled studies to understand the impact of low carbohydrate diet on acne.

Does Eating Bread Stimulate Teenage Acne?

And, a unique method to Get Rid of Acne once and for all can be found on my site. Click here to find out how YOU can start re-balancing your body today and start the path to lasting clear skin.

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