Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Will Quinoa Ever Replace Wheat in Our Diet?

Most of us eat wheat in bread and breakfast cereals on a daily basis. Most of us eat far too much highly processed wheat in the form of white bread and processed ready meals. In the last 20 years there has been a swing to eating whole wheat grains and that has become acknowledged as the healthier option. We do however eat too much processed wheat and this has led to an increase of food intolerances and allergies. In fact wheat has now become very allergenic due to its excessive consumption in the developed world.

People are looking for alternative grains

Wheat Bread

There has been an increasing demand for alternative due to illnesses and conditions such as celiac disease. People with celiac disease cannot intake gluten. There are a wide range of symptoms which are beyond the range of this article.

Because of this there has been move to eat a wider range of grains in our diet. Many of these are far more nutritious than wheat and do not have the associated health problems. Quinoa although not truly a grain has been at the forefront of this move and is now gaining wide acceptance as a healthy and nutritious alternative. Quinoa is gluten free and highly nutritious. It comes in grain form as well as flour and flakes.

How useable is quinoa in food preparation

Of course you cannot make white bread out of quinoa. The quinoa flour is not like wheat flour and is much heavier. You can make cookies and tray bakes with it but you will never bake a standard loaf of bread with it.

The minds of consumers need to look again at their staple foods and reconsider if bread, pizzas, muffins and other wheat rich food products are really necessary as part of a 21st century diet. Sure they are quick and easy to prepare but at what cost to our health.

Quinoa is not the mystery grain that it was 10 years ago and is now becoming readily available in our supermarkets. More and more excellent quinoa recipes are being researched and produced.

The answer to the question

Quinoa will not ever replace wheat but it will find a place in most peoples kitchens over the next 10 years due to its unbeatable vitamin and nutrition profile

Will Quinoa Ever Replace Wheat in Our Diet?

Find out how simply it is to cook quinoa. There are more and more quinoa recipes coming out now. You can find out how to cook quinoa. Learn the superb health benefits of eating quinoa and include quinoa as part of your diet.

See Also : farberware cookware set 10 piece all clad stainless 7 piece cookware set


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