Friday, July 9, 2010

Health Benefits of Cooking your whole wheat bread

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I think one of the main advantages has been given by baking bread is just the term Health Benefits-bread in the entire harvest. If the bread, you can check all the ingredients put into it. No artificial sweeteners, emulsifiers, non-bleached enriched flour, then all other unnecessary additives, bread there, the USL.

See for yourself what I mean, get a loaf of bread you boughtout of the store, now read the ingredients list, and Google all the long words that sound is not as natural ingredients. You'll be surprised what you want.

Therefore, the principle is "Mono" which appears in almost any store to buy bread, the oil is actually hardened fat / trans fat, otherwise known as. Hydrogenated oil is oil saturated with hydrogen at elevated temperatures. This creates strong bonds with hydrogen, which can remain semi-solid at room temperatureTemperature of life increases dramatically delays rancidity. What can be strong, like the fat molecules bond with each other. In your blood, it means that the grease, it is much easier and clogs the veins easier.

Therefore, hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids have been labeled "the silent killer" because it greatly increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Try the bread machine will be sneaky and put monoglyceridethe list of ingredients in place to deceive hydrogenated oils. You can watch the fat on the nutrition panel on the same loaf of bread with the ingredients list and monoglycerides will be zero grams of trans virtue. This is because, according to FDA rules, if the service contains less than 0.5 grams of trans fats, said that the package is free, is zero.

But we say that eating four slices of bread (with each portion with 0.4 grams of trans fat), then you have just consumed 1.6 gramsTrans-fatty acids, despite the fact that the group supports nutrition on bread is zero grams of trans fat per serving.

You can not trust to buy bread, so simple. Companies in the production of bread do what they can to save money in the production of bread, but in the end will cost you your health. The only solution I found is to bake her bread. It is not as complicated as it may seem, is actually very simple if youTo find out how.

-My favorite bread to bake bread because it is so heart healthy and get as many vitamins and minerals in it. If the bread is done correctly shame that you get a surprising imitation of true tasting bread that did business purchased. I call them imitations, because in fact many producers of white bread flour to make bread with whole grain, then the color of caramelto make it authentic. So to double check the ingredients on the bread. If the bread flour, unbleached enriched as first ingredient, you can actually buy white bread, wholemeal bread covered, search for caramel in the ingredients, and to prove it too.

Other ingredients to watch for:

Calcium sulfate: This is also known as plaster, this additive as a dough conditioner and firming agents used. Asabsorbs moisture and dries quickly, is a warning, may cause an intestinal blockage. And 'banned in some countries.

Calcium propionate: This additive is used as a mold inhibitor, but may be related to migraine.

So do yourself a favor and start your own bread. It 's probably one of the health decisions you can make.

Thanks To : le creuset 9-piece cookware set


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