Monday, November 15, 2010

Foods High in Magnesium - Top Five Choices

When making a healthy meal plan, not everyone is thinking about how much magnesium is in their diet. It is not a commonly understood mineral, but rest assured that foods high in magnesium help your body produce and transport energy, as well as assist in the synthesizing of proteins. In this article, I'll cover the five best sources of magnesium. You might first be a little worried that these foods might be strange and scary, but odds are you're probably already eating most of them!

1. Spinach

Popeye had it right all those years ago: if you want healthy muscles and a healthy nervous system, you need to eat spinach. Not only does it have one of the highest concentrations of the stuff, but it also contains high doses of calcium, vitamin C, and carotenoids (which acts as antioxidants).

2. Black Beans

Although they are far more popular in Asia than in North America, the black bean is a power food; not only is it a great source of magnesium and dietary fiber, but it also acts as an antioxidant, and is one of the best sources of protein. It can also help regulate blood sugar, which makes it an ideal food for anyone suffering from diabetes.

3. Pumpkin Seeds

If you've been looking for a healthy snack, you might want to try pumpkin seeds. Beyond the health benefits of its high magnesium content, these little miracles help prevent osteoporosis, improve the functioning of the prostate, and can even lower Cholesterol (note that a great trick for making them tasty without compromising the health benefits is to sprinkle soy sauce on them and roast the seeds in the oven).

4. Whole Wheat Bread

When choosing what type of bread to eat, it is recommended that you stay away from any form of refined flower, since the process robs wheat of its nutrients. That's why whole wheat bread is healthier, providing not only magnesium to your diet, but also fiber, niacin, and omega 3's. The added benefit of whole wheat bread is the fact that it also regulates your body's blood glucose level, an important trait for anyone trying to lose weight.

5. Bananas

Although this delicious fruit may not have as much magnesium as some of the other power foods, it still makes the list because of the other health benefits it offers. They are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin B6 (which helps fight insomnia and chronic fatigue). Some studies have also found that eating bananas can help individuals who suffer with depression.

The quest to eat healthy food can often seem overwhelming and confusing, but in truth it can be easy so long as you remember what types of foods give you the most nutritional "bang" for your buck. Foods high in magnesium offer more than this essential mineral, and you'll find that once you add them to your diet, you'll be wondering what life was like without them?

For even more free tips and advice on foods high in magnesium, come check out what's inside the number one site for health and fitness on the net:

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