Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Revelation 6 - The Rider On The Black Horse

This article continues our study of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. In Parts 1 and 2, we examined the riders of the white horse and the red horse respectively. We will now study the one who follows them, the rider on the black horse.

This third horse appears in verses 5 and 6:

"When the Lamb broke the third seal, I heard the third living being say, 'Come!' And I looked up and saw a black horse, and its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. And a voice from among the four living beings said, 'A loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley for a day's pay. And don't waste the olive oil and wine.'" Revelation 6:5-6 (NLT)

What does the symbolic language of this verse tell us about the rider on the black horse? We can identify several points:

1) He rides a black horse. The color black is a symbol of famine.

2) He holds a pair of scales in his hand. The rider (the Antichrist) will be in full control of the world. The scales in his hand indicate a need for him to carefully measure and ration the food supply. We know this because the next verse indicates a scarcity of food.

3) "A loaf of wheat bread or 3 loaves of barley for a day's pay". Three loaves of barley equal approximately one pint. This is generally regarded as a minimum sustenance diet. Therefore, this verse foreshadows a time when an entire day's wage will barely yield enough food to survive.

4) "Don't waste the olive oil and wine". "Olive oil and wine" symbolize luxury items that were exclusive domains of the rich during the time the Book of Revelation was written. From this verse, we learn that the famine referenced in the preceding sentence does not affect the wealthy.

I believe the four horsemen in Revelation 6 represent the Antichrist and the initial phases of his rise to power. In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, I speculated the Antichrist might use molecular manufacturing to conquer the world. If this is the case, how do the actions of the rider on the black horse coincide with the development of molecular manufacturing (MM)? Is there any reason to believe this technological breakthrough, which will bring widespread abundance, will also be accompanied by famine?

Aside from the fact that scarcity and inflation often go hand-in-hand with war, and war is triggered by the rider on the red horse, ample evidence suggests molecular manufacturing will, of its own accord, lead to profound economic upheaval.

The Coming Economic Tribulation

The development of molecular manufacturing will usher in a time period of unprecedented economic tribulation, and no part of the world will escape its impact.

The development of molecular manufacturing will lead to the proliferation of nanofactories - small, portable, fully-automated manufacturing systems about the size of today's washing machines. Supplied with basic raw materials, a nanofactory will be able to break down molecules and reassemble them into basic consumer products. A nanofactory will cost little to operate and will be capable of producing approximately two tons of products per day. As such, it seems likely that a single nanofactory could supply all the daily product needs of a typical contemporary American household at a fraction of today's cost.

Nanofactories will be far more efficient and powerful than the factories of the industrial revolution. They won't require large tracts of real estate, high-wage employees, high energy inputs, reengineered assembly lines, continual capital expenditures, or most of the traditional costs associated with the factories of past generations. In addition, because of a nanofactory's precise placement of molecules, its products will be nearly flawless, yielding an error rate of less than one-tenth of one percent. As a result, basic consumer products will cost a fraction of what they cost today, and they will be far more durable and powerful.

But nanofactories will also be different for another reason - they will be capable of manufacturing copies of themselves. So instead of simply making basic consumer products, a nanofactory could also produce a second nanofactory. The implications of this are staggering. At low cost, a single nanofactory could conceivably produce two nanofactories, which could produce four, then eight, and so on. In a matter weeks, the first nanofactory could populate the world with billions of additional nanofactories. The world economic order will be thrown into a tailspin as entire industries literally become obsolete in a matter of weeks. The current global economic order based on the tenet of scarce resources will be turned on its head when faced with a world of sudden abundance. As Steve Burgess states in his work "The (Needed) New Economics of Abundance" - "Abundance, paradoxically, could be highly disruptive." This means the seemingly miraculous benefits of molecular manufacturing will come with a price tag of global political, military, and economic instability.

Although the widespread deployment of this transformative technology will not be rolled out in a single day, knowledge of its existence and near future adoption will send shockwaves through capital markets around the world and literally crush certain industries. Molecular manufacturing will eliminate the need for much of today's supply chain, including massive factories, transportation networks, and storage facilities. International trade will come to a screeching halt, as it will no longer be necessary in most cases (it seems likely some markets will continue to thrive, such as handmade Cuban cigars, authentic French wine, and a number of other historically sought after luxury items).

In a process we've come to know as "creative destruction," many industries, such as shipping, distribution, commodities (including all generic/non-branded consumer products), commodity retailing, and petroleum, will likely lose over 90% of their current market value. On the flipside, some sectors of the economy, such as services, intellectual property, branded products, and prime real estate, will likely undergo a significant increase in value. Nevertheless, the short-term damage will be far-reaching, and the sudden and surprising emergence of MM will likely cause widespread panic in the short-term.

Millions will be unemployed. Personal fortunes will be destroyed. As a result, consumer spending will contract, creating a tenuous situation threatening a complete global economic meltdown. In the midst of this economic tumult, a temporary solution or an entirely new economic system will have to be devised in order to deal with the immediate aftershocks of MM's introduction and the subsequent humanitarian crises.

Mike Treder, in his Future Brief commentary "War, Interdependence, and Nanotechnology," discusses the many benefits and dangers of molecular manufacturing. One of the problems he tackles is the potential negative impact on the current economic system:

"We also must consider the potential negative impacts of advanced nanotechnology on our current socio-economic structure.

Low-cost local manufacturing and duplication of designs could lead to monetary upheaval, as major economic sectors contract or even collapse. For example, the global steel industry is worth over $700 billion. What will happen to the millions of jobs associated with that industry - and to the capital supporting it-when materials many times stronger than steel can be produced quickly and cheaply wherever (and whenever) they are needed?

Productive nanosystems could make storable solar power a realistic and preferable alternative to traditional energy sources. Around the world, individual energy consumers pay over $600 billion a year for utility bills and fuel supplies. Commercial and industrial uses drive the figures higher still. When much of this spending can be permanently replaced with off-grid solar energy, many more jobs will be displaced.

The worldwide semiconductor industry produces annual billings of over $150 billion. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the industry employs a domestic workforce of nearly 300,000 people. Additionally, U.S. retail distribution of electronics products amounts to almost $300 billion annually. All of these areas will be impacted significantly if customized electronics products can be produced at home for about a dollar a pound, the likely cost of raw materials. If any individual can make products containing computing power a million times greater than today's PCs, where will those jobs go?"

Although we have faced the problems associated with job displacement in the past (i.e. the replacement of the horse and buggy industry with the automobile industry), these transitions usually took place over many years and decades. Following the development of molecular manufacturing, they will take place in a matter of weeks and months.

In the "Dangers" section of its website, The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology poses many questions about the initial economic shock of molecular manufacturing, citing the disruption of the current economic order as a strong possibility:

"The purchaser of a manufactured product today is paying for its design, raw materials, the labor and capital of manufacturing, transportation, storage, and sales. Additional money - usually a fairly low percentage - goes to the owners of all these businesses. If personal nanofactories can produce a wide variety of products when and where they are wanted, most of this effort will become unnecessary. This raises several questions about the nature of a post-nanotech economy. Will products become cheaper? Will capitalism disappear? Will most people retire - or be unemployed? The flexibility of nanofactory manufacturing, and the radical improvement of its products, imply that non-nanotech products will not be able to compete in many areas. If nanofactory technology is exclusively owned or controlled, will this create the world's biggest monopoly, with extreme potential for abusive anti-competitive practices? If it is not controlled, will the availability of cheap copies mean that even the designers and brand marketers don't get paid? Much further study is required, but it seems clear that molecular manufacturing could severely disrupt the present economic structure, greatly reducing the value of many material and human resources, including much of our current infrastructure. Despite utopian post-capitalist hopes, it is unclear whether a workable replacement system could appear in time to prevent the human consequences of massive job displacement."

Many of these questions remain unanswered, and if the world continues to be ignorant of molecular manufacturing and its imminent development, these questions are likely to be answered for us by whoever develops the technology.

The Initial Economic Consequences

If international trade stops, if shipping and distribution companies go bankrupt, what will happen to those nations that rely heavily on imported goods? It will take at least several days if not weeks to outfit these nations with their own nanofactories and MM capability. As a result of this temporary initial disruption in the supply chain, the basic laws of supply and demand will determine the prices for the basic necessities of life. Although this will not be a permanent disruption, until enough nanofactories are deployed, it could mean these nations will face much higher prices and/or shortages.

Such a situation would likely result in massive inflation, government-mandated rationing, or both. Is this the meaning of the scales in the hand of the rider on the black horse? It is a possibility.

If Revelation 6:6 foreshadows a massive gulf between the living standards of the rich and poor, this would not be an entirely surprising outcome. CRN poses the idea that, even after its full-scale deployment, MM may not be the utopian dream for which people have hoped.

"The price of a product usually falls somewhere between its value to the purchaser and its cost to the seller. Molecular manufacturing could result in products with a value orders of magnitude higher than their cost. It is likely that the price will be set closer to the value than to the cost; in this case, customers will be unable to gain most of the benefit of "the nanotech revolution". If pricing products by their value is accepted, the poorest people may continue to die of poverty, in a world where products costing literally a few cents would save a life. If (as seems likely) this situation is accepted more by the rich than by the poor, social unrest could add its problems to untold unnecessary human suffering."

The idea that molecular manufacturing's development will initially result in a global war followed by unprecedented economic instability directly correlates with the predicted behaviors of the first three horsemen of Revelation 6. The crippling of international trade, coupled with the bankruptcy of many obsolete industrial age industries, will result in worldwide economic upheaval. The idea that such a scenario might result in temporary food shortages or significantly higher food prices is more than probable. When taken in context with the characteristics of the white horse of Revelation 6:2 and the red horse of Revelation 6:4, it seems quite possible that the four horsemen of Revelation 6 foreshadow the development of molecular manufacturing, a revolutionary technology that may well be developed within the next 3 to 5 years, and almost certainly will be developed by the year 2020.

In Part 4, we'll conclude this series with an examination of the rider on the fourth and final horse.

Britt Gillette is the author of BrittGillette.Com, a Christian website examining bible prophecy and emerging technology. Visit his site to learn more about the four horsemen.

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Monday, November 29, 2010

3 Important Differences Between White Bread and Whole Wheat

For any kid who grew up eating doughy, thick Wonder Bread for
lunch, the encouragement by dietitians and nutritionists to
switch to whole wheat bread can be a tough transition.

Bread, like any other part of our diet, is an acquired taste.
Starting out early helps since children are much more adaptable
to accepting foods than adults. This does not mean that children
LIKE as many foods as adults - children are renowned picky
eaters. But if you only expose them to healthy, whole grain foods
they won't have the opportunity to develop a taste for white
bread or other non-nutritious foods.

Adults, however, must learn to change their diet preferences
because of knowledge. Understanding why whole wheat is superior
to white bread can help you feel good about the compromise and
encourage you to make it the standard for your children. Who
knows - you may even like it!


The two biggest differences between white bread and whole wheat
are the processing and the nutritional value.

Flour is made from wheat berries. The wheat berry is made up of
the bran, the germ and the endosperm. All parts are filled with
nutrients and are used in whole wheat flour.

White bread on the other hand, uses only the endosperm - the
starchy inner layer. There is a total of 30 nutrients missing in
white bread. The nutritional difference is immense and has
measurable impact on our health.


The fiber content of whole wheat bread has several health

Fiber helps the digestive system. It also creates a 'full'
sensation and thus can help with weight control. Research has
been conducted by Harvard and other organizations that shows men
and women who eat high-fiber foods have less heart attacks and
strokes than those who don't.

There is also an increased risk of diabetes in children who eat
refined white flour - a risk that has been proven by the increase
in cases of childhood diabetes.


Watch out for words like 'wheat flour' or 'enriched wheat flour'
as they can be mostly made from white flour with just a small
amount of whole wheat added in.

Look for 'whole wheat' or other whole grains, like oat. And don't
be mislead by the name of the product. Names like wheat, whole
bran, stoned wheat, 12 grain and others are still mostly white
flour. The only way to know for sure is to read the label.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.

Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News and Medical Health News [http://www.medical-health-news.com] where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on many medical, health and lifestyle topics.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Baking Breads With Non-Wheat Constituents

Bread is a staple to a large proportion of the world's population and, at its simplest, it is a dough of wheat flour and yeast bound with water that uses the yeast as a rising agent and which is baked in an oven.

Put this way, it would seem that a bread could be made with any flour. So you might expect Maize breads in the Americas, Rice breads in Asia and Millet or Sorghum breads in Africa. However, this ignores a truly amazing property of wheat and barley grains.

80% of all the protein in wheat and barley is made from two proteins: gliadin and glutenin. These are bound together in the starchy part of the grain, but when wheat flour is kneaded some of the glutenin molecules are released from the starch and these cross-link with one another to form gluten and it's this gluten that gives bread it's amazing properties.

That's why, as you knead bread dough it becomes noticeably smooth and elastic. This is because a network of gluten molecules forms throughout the dough, binding it together. If yeast is added this ferments the sugars in the grain producing bubbles of carbon dioxide. These bubbles are trapped by the gluten network and when the gas is warmed by being heated in an oven it expands, causing the bread to rise. Baking also solidifies the gluten network by coagulation so that the bread sets firm with a smooth texture.

But, just as gluten is critical in the formation of bread in the first place it's also responsible for bread going 'stale' in that gluten traps water molecules as the bread ages.

As a result the gluten in wheat and barley is critical in the formation of breads. Which is not to say that breads can't be made 'gluten free' (rice is common) it's just that they tend to be crumblier and more cake-like than wheat or barley-based breads.

Yet, the adulteration of bread with the inclusion of all manner of substances ranging from chalk to sawdust is an ancient practice. In the end it emerges that you can typically add 20% of something else to a bread dough and it will still rise and have all the properties of a traditional loaf.

This can be very important for a subsistence or even a largely vegetarian diet as, if you mix ground beans with your wheat flour you get all the essential amino acids in your diet from just bread. This is why the UN is promoting the use of locally-grown millet or sorghum in Africa for this very purpose. For similar reasons, black-eyed pea flour is used in Liberia.

A number of starch or flour sources can be used to add to a wheat flour bread and these include: pea flour, millet flour, sorghum flour, ground nuts, linden leaf flour, black eyed pea flour (indeed, any ground beans, potato starch, rice flour (but add a little cornstarch to stabilize), maize flour and cassava flour.

The recipe below is for a maize flour bread, but you can use the quantities to adapt for any kind of mixed flour loaf:

Maize Flour Bread
140g maize flour
560g strong bread flour
25g yeast
1 tbsp white sugar
60ml lukewarm water
350ml water (to bring the dough together)
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp butter, melted and allow to cool

Stir the yeast and sugar into the 60ml lukewarm water and set aside in a warm place for about 10 minutes to activate the yeast.

Combine the maize flour, bread flour (wheat flour) and salt together in a bowl then combine the melted butter with the yeast mix. Form a well in the flour and pour the yeast mix into this. Stir well then add the remaining water a little at a time, until you have a smooth dough. Turn the dough onto a lightly-floured surface and knead thoroughly for at least 5 minutes (remember that it's this kneading that gives any bread it's bread-like properties). Don't skimp on the kneading as you will need to release more gluten because of the maize flour added here.

Roll the dough into a ball, placed in a lightly-greased bowl (turning to coat in the oil) then cover with a cloth and set aside in a warm spot to rise for at least 75 minutes, or until doubled in size. Knock the dough back (remove the air from it by punching) and knead well for 5 minutes then return to the bowl, cover and set aside to rise for a further 45 minutes.

Knock the dough back once more then divide into 2 equal parts. Knead each piece very thoroughly to remove any trapped air then press each dough half into separate 500g loaf tins. Press down well into the base of the tin then cover and set aside in a warm place to raise for at least 45 minutes (the dough should have risen over the top of the tin by this time).

When well risen place the loaves in an oven pre-heated to 210C and bake for about 25 minutes, or until the loaf is golden brown and the base sounds hollow when tapped.

Allow the loaves to cool slightly before turning onto a wire rack to cool completely.

As long as you knead well at each stage these loaves work every time and you can replace the maize flour with just about any kind of ground ingredient you want.

Dyfed Lloyd Evans is the creator of the Celtnet Recipes site where you can find a large number of bread recipes or recipes for bread-like cakes. You can also find a range of recipes for non-wheat flour breads on this site.

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Losing Weight With Hypothyroidism - Some Effective Methods

Losing weight with hypothyroidism is an inability that many patients struggle. If your hypothyroidism is diagnosed at early stages, loosing weight will be easier for you.

Hypothyroidism causes increase in weight due to increase in cholesterol levels. Proper diet, nutrition, and exercise will help you to cure your disorder. These are some tips that will be helping you to loose your weight.

Stimulants - use of stimulants should be reduced. Stimulants like caffeine can be supportive to fight fatigue. But hypothyroidism causes adrenal glands prone to burnout and overwork. Excess proportion of stimulants will cause under- functioning of adrenal glands. You can help your adrenal system to recharge and heal by weaning off stimulants like, soda, tea, and coffee.

Carbohydrates - adopt low carb diet. Decrease the proportions of carbohydrates that you consume. Carbohydrates in the range of 45% to 60% are recommended for patients struggling in losing weight with hypothyroidism. Research and study indicate that hypothyroidism patients are more successful in loosing weight when they eat less than 45% to 60% of the overall calories obtained from carbohydrates. Reducing your intake upto 50% will help you to accomplish your goal more easily. Fifty percent of carbohydrates included in your diet should comprise thirty percent protein and twenty percent fat.

You can opt for complex carbohydrates though. Have fresh fruits, whole grains such as pasta, wheat germ, whole wheat bread, brown rice, and vegetables in abundance. The superior nutrition in these foods will work great in losing weight with hypothyroidism as compared to its refined counterparts.

Say no to sugar

Simple carbohydrates or sugary foods like cakes, pies, candy, cookies, chips, ice cream, and soda should be cut off. These foods stimulate production of high insulin. Remove carbohydrates from your meals and snacks. But make sure to add protein items simultaneously. Digestion of protein is a slow and gradual process; this will decrease the pace of insulin release.

Eat fiber

Thirty to forty grams of fiber should be included in you daily diet. The high fiber content will help the individuals suffering from hypothyroidism to take care of constipation and sluggish digestion. The fibers will work on the efficiency of excretory process and increase satiety too, so that you do not feel hungry. Increase the consumption of fiber in your diet over a period. Losing weight with hypothyroidism may also require fiber supplement like Metamucil.

Water, water and water - drink about two liters of water each day. Water assists metabolism, so not drinking sufficient amounts of water will harm your capability to loose weight. While increasing fiber intake in your diet by 30 to 40 grams, water will be more crucial factor.

Compliment diet with exercise

Hypothyroidism will cause a weight gain of around 10 to 20 pounds. If you have gained more than twenty pounds, then it may attribute towards fatigue thus limiting your physical activity. Feeling fatigued will eventually make you to avoid exercising. This will make more difficult for you in losing weight with hypothyroidism. Exercise and physical activity play key role to contribute in decreasing effects of fatigue. Cardio, strength training, deep breathing exercise will contribute to huge amounts in losing weight with hypothyroidism. Discuss your diet and exercise schedule with your health professional as he is quite familiar to your case.

Related Articles:

Top rated thyroid supplement

Effective Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism -> Home Remedies

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Lose Weight With Tea - Fast Track it in 7 Days

I know that you would be hesitant and in doubt to believe that you can lose weight with tea and fast track it in 7 days. But give me the benefit of the doubt by reading through the method I am going to define here which worked for me and just might also work for you.

To start with the diet you need to first record your starting weight. Starting today and for the next six days abruptly cut out all fat rich and sugar rich foods like pork, cakes, biscuits, ice cream, sodas, alcohol, etc. Even those advertised as sugar-free food and drinks are to be cut out totally. I know it would be so hard but believe me it will be worth it.

Day 1

Start your day with a cup of tea and also prepare some tea in the refrigerator, do not add any sugar at all but lemon slices will be a refreshing addition, which you can drink throughout the day. For breakfast you can have a cup of oatmeal without sugar and with banana slices. Lunch will be fish slightly salted and marinated in tea for at least 30 minutes and then broiled. Have a slice of wheat or whole meal bread with your fish. Dinner can be a cup of mixed veggies steamed and a cup of apples. For snacks you can choose between 1/2 of an apple and half of a serving of yoghurt. Be sure that you take a cup or glass of tea every meal and in between meals if needed aside from drinking lots of water too. Also take at least a 20 to 30 minute walk around your neighborhood or better yet take the stairs whenever you can in the office.

Day 2

Starting with your cup or glass of tea, take a slice of wheat or whole meal bread and two slices of cheddar cheese. For lunch take a breast of chicken marinated in a little soy sauce, garlic, pepper and juice of 2 to 3 Philippine lemons for 30 minutes to an hour then grill to perfection. Dinner can be a slice of toasted wheat or whole meal bread and veggie omelet (veggies consist of sliced mushrooms, onions, bell pepper, garlic and a little pepper) cooked in a greaseless pan. Snacks can be a choice between a cup of pineapple chunks and a cup of melon balls. As usual your regular cup or glass of iced tea is a must for the whole day and lots of water too. Again you can take a walk around the block or take the stairs as much as you can. Before going to bed check out your weight and record it.

Day 3

Have a cup of oatmeal for breakfast without sugar and with thin apple slices and of course your daily dose of tea, hot or cold. Lunch will be quite sumptuous today with pasta of your choice and make a fresh tomato sauce by boiling the tomatoes and letting it cool then squash it and take out the hard inner part. Sautee the tomatoes in a little olive oil with lots of grated garlic and garnish with dried parsley, basil and ground pepper and a little chili powder, before serving top with a little grated parmesan or mozzarella cheese. Snacks can be a choice between half a serving of yoghurt or an orange. Dinner is also another meal you will love with grilled chicken done the way it was done in day 2 and cut into strips (you can also grill extra chicken breast the day before and save one for this meal). Sautee mixed vegetables in a little olive oil, garlic and tomatoes and add the grilled chicken. Serve with a slice of wheat or whole meal bread. Do not forget your quota of tea drinks for each meal and anytime within the day. Also you need to do your daily walk and then record your weight before you go to bed. Day 3 has come and gone and I know you are quite elated by the results by this time!

Day 4

A slice of wheat or whole meal bread, a veggie omelet and tea will start off your day right. Lunch should be fish today, grilled with whole tomatoes and served with 2 tablespoons plain yoghurt, 1 tablespoon light mayonnaise and mixed and sprinkled with turmeric and ground white pepper. You can serve this with toasted French bread or wheat bread. Snacks are a choice between a cup of grapes and a cup of mixed fruits topped with yoghurt. To end your day, sauté cabbage, carrots, onions, garlic, leeks wrap the cooled veggies in pita bread with peanut butter spread and sprinkle with garlic powder and ground pepper. Just to remind you not to forget your daily dose of tea and water is a must as well as your daily walks around the block. Of course do not forget to weigh in and record it.

Day 5

Breakfast on the 5th day of your diet is a slice of wheat or whole meal bread with a banana and peanut butter. Lunch will be a simple sandwich with grilled chicken breast and lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cucumber and a little light mayonnaise to keep your sandwich moist. Snacks are again a choice between a handful of peanuts and a cup of honey dew. Dinner is a simple chicken macaroni soup with onion leeks and a slice of French bread. This is your 5th day and for sure you are already used to your daily tea drinks and walks around the block. Before retiring to bed, weigh in and write it down. Are you seeing quite a big change in your weight and how you feel about yourself?

Day 6

Wow! You have gone through the 5 days and I know you do feel lighter. Breakfast today will be back to the oatmeal and fruit of your choice without sugar and of course your tea drinks. Primavera pasta is the order for lunch. Just sauté the mixed veggies and throw in the cooked pasta of your choice. Mix well and serve with toasted garlic bread and iced tea. Snacks are a choice between a cup of fresh strawberries and one ounce dark chocolate. Sautee ground chicken with garlic and onions, add in a half cup of potato cubes and a box of raisins. Serve this for dinner with a slice of wheat or whole meal bread. Drink your tea the whole day and add in lots of water and your regular walk. Weigh in and record that weight! For sure that smile means a lot by now.

Day 7

D-day has arrived, the day of reckoning! By the end of this day you will know for sure if this 7-day diet plan worked for you. Breakfast can now be a choice between oatmeal with fruit and wheat bread with veggie omelet. Lunch is also your choice of grilled chicken or grilled fish with a slice of French bread. Snack is your choice of a cup of fruit each time. Finally dinner is either mixed veggies or grilled chicken ceasar salad. For sure you will not forget your regular tea drinks and water plus your regular walk around the block. Weigh in and you will be surprised at how much weight you have lost.

This 7-day diet plan will surely fast track your weight loss and keep you on your way to taking off all those excess fats.

Go on and lose weight with tea and fast track it. Check out our 7-day diet plan to lose weight with tea by clicking on the links here.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Chicken With Avocado Sandwiches and Avocado Bacon Sandwiches Recipes

Do you know that avocados make great sandwiches, but only if you know the right recipes. Avocado and chicken tortas, avocado bacon sandwiches and avocado chicken melt are 3 delicious avocado recipes you can learn to prepare.

Below are the recipes:

1. Avocado and Chicken Tortas


- 1 fully ripened Mexican avocado
- 2 (6-inch) sandwich rolls (such as Portuguese or submarine rolls), halved
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- 8 ounces grilled chicken breast, sliced
- 1 cup shredded iceberg or romaine lettuce
- 1 tomato, sliced
- 2/3 cup mashed black beans, divided
- 1/4 cup pickled jalapeño pepper slices


- Cut lengthwise around middle of avocado; twist avocado to separate halves; strike pit with a knife blade to remove; scoop out pulp with a spoon.
- In a small bowl, mash avocado.
- To assemble tortas: Spread mashed avocado on cut sides of rolls, dividing evenly.
- Sprinkle with salt and pepper. On bottom halves, layer sliced chicken, lettuce, tomato, black beans and jalapeño pepper slices.
- Firmly press tops of rolls on tortas.

Yield: 2 sandwiches

2. Avocado Bacon Sandwiches


- 1/4 pound bacon slices, chopped
- 1 ripe avocado
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- 3 tablespoons butter, softened
- 4 large slices whole wheat bread
- Lemon twist and parsley sprig, to garnish


- Fry bacon until crisp. Drain on paper towels.
- Peel avocado, taking care not to remove bright green flesh just inside the skin.
- Cut in half and remove seed.
- In a bowl, mash avocado, then stir in lemon juice, salt and pepper.
- Butter two slices of bread.
- Spread avocado mixture on buttered sides of 2 bread slices.
- Scatter bacon over avocado.
- Cover with remaining bread slices, buttered sides down, and press together.
- Cut off bread crusts.
- Cut each sandwich into 4 triangles.
- Arrange on a serving plate, garnished with a lemon twist and parsley sprig.

3. Avocado Chicken Melt


- 4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves
- 1/2 cup cornmeal
- 1 teaspoon garlic salt
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1/2 firm ripe avocado, peeled and sliced thin, divided
- 1 cup shredded Monterey jack cheese
- 4 wheat bread slices, toasted
- 1/2 cup plain yogurt
- 1/4 cup chopped sweet red bell pepper


- Rinse chicken with cold water and pat dry with paper towels.
- Place between two sheets of plastic wrap and pound to flatten to 1/4-inch thickness.
- In resealable plastic bag, combine cornmeal and garlic salt.
- Add chicken; close bag and toss to coat well.
- In large nonstick frying pan, heat oil.
- Cook chicken in hot oil for 2 minutes per side or until lightly browned.
- Remove chicken from pan and place in shallow baking pan.
- Place half of avocado slices over chicken and sprinkle evenly with shredded cheese.
- Bake at 350 degrees F for 15 minutes or until chicken is done and cheese is melted.
- Place each chicken breast on a slice of toast.
- Top with remaining avocado slices.
- In small bowl, combine yogurt and pepper; serve with chicken.

Yields 4 servings.

Next, you welcome to visit our website: The Delicious Recipes Package and Cheap Meal Ideas Recipes for more delicious recipes.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

5 Tips to Lose Weight the Fastest & Healthiest Way Possible

Fast, healthy weight loss is not only achievable, but it can also be long-term weight loss. Even though it took time to reach this uncomfortable weight gain, no one wants to workout and eat right and get their results slowly. Fast Weight Loss does not have to mean starving through the day, living on fluids and a single meal. Believe it or not there is a natural and healthy way to lose weight quickly and some what effortlessly.

There are 5 things that you can do to maximize your weight loss. These tips can help you lose weight quickly and in the healthiest way possible.

1) Drink Plenty of Water - I know, you heard this a thousand times. I did too, before I took it serious. Let's just remind ourselves of the benefits of drinking more water. The most important reason to drink plenty of water is because it keeps your body well hydrated. When your body is dehydrated it tends to hold onto excess water weight. the next major reason is that drinking water helps your body eliminate toxins built up in your system and encourage elimination both through the bowels and kidneys.

2) Add More Fiber - It's not necessary to take a fiber supplement in order to add more fiber to your diet. There are some great foods that have a high fiber content that should be a part of your daily diet. Some of them are: Apples (5g), bran cereals (8g), whole wheat bread (4g per slice), grapefruit (6g), 1 cup broccoli(6g). These are just a few choices. It's recommended that you get at least 25-30 grams of fiber a day, so if you have 2 apples, 1 bowel of bran cereal(raisin bran is good choice), 2 slices of whole wheat bread and 1 cup of broccoli, you've covered your daily requirement.

3) Eat 5-6 times a day waiting 3 hours before meals - You can turn your metabolism into a fuel burning furnace by eating frequently during the day. 5- 6 mini meals during the day will keep your metabolism high. This technique signals your metabolism and telling it that there is fuel constantly coming in ready to be burned (which is true). So your metabolism burns what comes in and some of the stored energy just to keep up and make room for the constant supply of food.

I remember when I learned this little trick, I was surprised to see just how fast I dropped pounds. It's nice to know that you are actually allowed to "eat" while losing weight.

4) Completely eliminate or at least drastically reduce the sugar - Sugar is one of the most over looked cause of weight gain. Don't be misled by the fact that it doesn't contain fat. Sugar can cause a huge spike in your insulin production which can shut down your fat burning capacity and keeps it low which will promote fat storage.

5) Supplements to add to your daily diet - Add Enzymes, a good Multi-vitamin, and Green Tea to your daily diet. Adding Enzymes to your diet can improve your digestion and make sure that you have maximum absorption of nutrients in your food.

Taking a good multivitamin will make sure you get all of the essential vitamins and minerals that help regulate and support the function of key organs such as liver, kidneys and heart.

Green Tea is a superior tea because it contains polyphenols which inhibits the growth of cancer cells. This tea also lowers cholesterol, gives you energy and helps suppress appetite. All without the usual side effects of other diet stimulants.

Applying the 5 tips can help kick your fat burning weight losing furnace into overdrive. Making you lose the weight a lot quicker and get lean a lot sooner.

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. Now she offers this information in an e-book entitled Wrap Yourself Slim: Body Wrap Exposed. Monthly newsletter is also available at her web site. For more information go to Body Wraps Exposed

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is Your Bread Slowly Killing You?

If you eat white (or any kind of store bought) bread, then here are a few things you need to know before you put that next slice in your mouth.

For example...did you know that the inclusion of hydrogenated oils, artificial preservatives, emulsifiers, additives and other chemicals in bread became standard practice in the mid 1950's?

At this same time whole wheat flour was replaced by bleached, enriched white flour. In this process, grain is bleached and sterilized with chemicals to make it white and soft. It is then artificially "enriched" by adding vitamins, minerals and other materials destroyed in the chemical process.

Despite what you may have been told, trying to "enrich" something with the very vitamins and minerals that were removed from it in the first place, does not make it even half as healthy as the natural unrefined version.

When you think about this, it doesn't even make much sense.

Your White Flour Isn't Just White Flour

It is also a growing practice in many bread producing factories to replace white flour with substances like alum, ground rice, and whiting.

Alum is the most commonly used of all these substances, because it gives the bread a whiter color and causes the flour to absorb and retain a larger amount of water than it would otherwise hold. This enables the factories to produce bread which imitates bread made from a higher quality flour.

This tainting of your bread with harmful, cancer causing chemicals such as potassium bromate, emulsifiers (both commonly used in bread production), and alum jeopardizes your health.
Do you know why your store bought bread has such a long shelf life?

The mysteriously prolonged shelf life is because of a particular emulsifier used in making the bread. This emulsifier is mainly used as a softening agent and tends to deceive buyers as to the real age of their bread.

This emulsifier can hide the signs that your bread is rotting (it certainly doesn't stop the rotting) for a few extra weeks, but the harm it does to your body (and the harm in eating the half rotten bread) makes the cost for this "convenience" very high.

Is it any wonder then, that every year a growing number of people just like you and I, are being hospitalized with illnesses and incurable diseases?

How Can You Survive?

Is it possible for you to protect yourself and your loved ones against unhealthy and harmful bread?

Well, buying bread from a store is certainly not the right choice to make. Even if you buy commercially produced whole wheat bread you're not getting healthy food. A lot of times what is sold as whole wheat bread in stores is actually white bread colored with caramel.

If the first ingredient in a loaf of whole wheat bread is unbleached enriched flour, then you're not truly buying whole wheat bread at all, just white bread (loaded with chemicals) that is disguised as whole wheat bread. There is only one true solution to ensure that you avoid poisonous, toxic bread. And that is to bake your own healthy whole wheat bread.

This is no where near as difficult as it sounds. In fact it's dead set simple. All you need is a good proven recipe, and an expert guide to teach you just once what to do. I'd be glad to provide you with both.

Beth Scott teaches you how to bake your own healthy whole wheat bread, with a step by step guide using detailed pictures. Visit her Healthy Bread Baking website for more information.

Friends Link : lodge logic pre seasoned 15 inch cast iron skillet

Monday, November 22, 2010

Why Whole Wheat Bread Does Not Always Means Healthy

Are you the health conscious type who shops for grain products made with whole wheat? Do you specify whole wheat pizza dough when you eat at an Italian restaurant? You may be aware that whole grains are healthier than white, but do you know that there are products that only claim to be "whole wheat" but really or not? Or that those that are advertised to contain "the goodness of whole wheat" are not whole wheat at all?
Why Wheat Grain is Healthier

It is a known fact that whole grains are better for the health. Whole foods of whatever kind contain more fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than their processed counterparts. Whole grains have been proven to provide the dietary minerals and vitamins required by the body while whole wheat fiber is highly beneficial to heart and colon health.

Unfortunately, even if people try to buy breads, flour, cereals and other grain products which they believe are healthy, they lack the necessary information that would help them make informed choices when it comes to food.

Additives in Whole Wheat Grain Products

There are two ways in which consumers of whole wheat and whole grain products are misled by unscrupulous manufacturers.

1. They include "whole grain" on the ingredients list even if the product does not contain it at all or it may but in almost negligible amounts.

2. They add other ingredients to the whole grain products to improve the taste which in the process makes them worse for the health compared to processed white bread.

What makes it even more shocking is that breads that claim to be 100% natural whole wheat" often list enriched wheat flour as an earlier ingredient. This means that there is more of it that whole wheat. Breads that are said to have "the goodness of whole wheat" really contain synthetic vitamins and tasteless oat or pea fiber thus only the "goodness" of whole wheat but not whole wheat itself.

Enriched or Whole Wheat: Which is better?

Enriched flour may sound healthy but it does not offer the same health benefits as whole wheat. This flour has vitamins and minerals added to it and undergoes heavy processing. According to the Wheat Foods Council (U.S.), the practice of adding the said ingredients dates back to the late 1940's when people suffered vitamin deficiencies as a result of World War II. This may be well and good but the problem is that the vitamin added are laboratory synthesized with other chemicals and impurities thereby resulting in a product that is not quite the same in goodness and nutritional value as natural whole grains.

You can wisen up by doing your research and checking the fine print ingredients listed on the label of the every whole wheat grain product you are considering to buy. Learn how to read between the lines. Check out both the front and the back of the package. Keep in mind that what's written on the front is usually meant to catch your attention so it's mostly hype. What's more important is the information on the ingredients list at the back. It is there where you will know exactly what you are getting.

Frederick Hail is a bread aficionado. He enjoys cooking bread while listening to his favorite audio book on CD collections. He loves to travel the world with his family.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Apple Bread Recipes - How to Make Delicious Apple Bread

Apple bread is very healthy and suitable for the whole family. Apple cinnamon bread, apple cranberry nut bread and apple oatmeal bread with raisins are 3 delicious and easy to make apple bread.

Below are the 3 recipes for you to try at home:

1. Apple Cinnamon Bread

Amount Measure Ingredient - Preparation Method


- 1/2 cup - water
- 2 1/2 tablespoons Apple juice concentrate
- 1/4 cup Applesauce
- 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
- 2 teaspoons Sugar - brown
- 1/4 teaspoon - salt
- 1 cup Flour - whole wheat
- 1 1/2 tablespoons Vital gluten - optional
- 1 cup Flour - bread
- 1 teaspoon Yeast


- 3/4 cup - water
- 3 3/4 tablespoons Apple juice concentrate
- 1/3 cup Applesauce
- 3/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon Sugar - brown
- 1/3 teaspoon - salt
- 1 1/2 cups Flour - whole wheat
- 2 tablespoons Vital gluten - optional
- 1 1/2 cups Flour - bread
- 1 1/2 teaspoons Yeast


- 1 cup - water
- 5 tablespoons Apple juice concentrate
- 1/2 cup Applesauce
- 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
- 1 1/3 tablespoons Sugar - brown
- 1/2 teaspoon - salt
- 2 cups Flour - whole wheat
- 3 tablespoons vital gluten
- 2 cups Flour - bread
- 2 teaspoons Yeast.

Definitely use the vital gluten as it rises much better. I use frozen apple juice concentrate. You could also add raisins or chopped apples, either fresh or dried, or even nuts might be nice.

2. Apple Cranberry Nut Bread

Amount Measure Ingredient - Preparation Method


- 8 ounces Bread Flour
- 8 ounces Whole Wheat Flour
- 1 1/2 teaspoons Salt
- 2 tablespoons Sugar - white or brown
- 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon Nutmeg
- 2/3 cup Applesauce
- 1/2 cup Apple juice (or Orange Juice)
- 1/3 cup Dried cranberries
- 1 ounce Chopped walnuts
- 1 1/2 teaspoons Yeast


- Add ingredients to baking pan in order given.
- Bake on basic/light mode (4 hour).
- Drop in cranberries which have been coated with the cinnamon and nutmeg after first knead.
- Add yeast to dispenser.

Created for Panasonic 65P. Adjust as needed for other machines.

Makes a nice loaf for holiday giving or serving.

3. Apple Oatmeal Bread with Raisins

Amount Measure Ingredient - Preparation Method

For 1 1/2 Pound Loaf

- 1/2 cup Old-fashioned rolled oats
- 5/8 cup -Water -- (for Welbilt add 2 Tb. more water)
- 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
- 2 3/4 cups Bread flour
- 1 1/2 teaspoons Salt
- 2 tablespoons Brown sugar
- 1 1/2 tablespoons Nonfat dry milk powder
- 1 1/2 tablespoons Butter or margarine
- 1/2 cup Raisins
- 2 teaspoons Ground cinnamon
- 2 teaspoons Red Star active dry yeast


- Place all ingredients in bread pan. Select Light Crust setting, and press Start.
- After the baking cycle ends, remove bread from pan, place on cake rack, and allow to cool 1 hour before slicing.

Very moist and delicious bread!

By the way....do you want more delicious and easy to prepare recipes? You can get over 10000 recipes here: The Delicious Recipes Package

Recipes Source: http://those-recipes.information-guide.org/The_Recipes_Package.html

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Decorating a Fall Wedding With a Vertical Beardless Wheat Bundle

Planning a fall wedding is an exciting thing! This is the time to get all of your creative abilities and start figuring out the décor elements to include. You need to figure out your design plan so you can have ample time and ordering your design pieces. One of the most stunning themes for a wedding in autumn is "rustic yet elegant".

Here are some brilliant ideas on how to decorate for a fall wedding using warm seasonal country items such as straw, hay and even vertical beardless wheat bundles. You will surely have the best decorative pieces for the wedding that you will surely cherish for a lifetime!

If you are contemplating on your fall wedding decorations, you need to consider including wheat into your design game plan. Wheat has a very powerful symbolism for the fall season. This makes wheat one of the perfect pieces to include on your wedding motif. One of the most significant relevance of wheat is that it signifies the bountiful harvest for the fall as well as the fertility and continuous cycle of life.

Wheat is one of the most elemental food stuff in history, the bread is relevant to the concept of abundance and nourishment. You will surely have a sensible design plan with wheat for a fall wedding. Couples who aim to tie the knot in autumn, wheat will surely bring a sense of abundance and richness all throughout their married life. You will surely have a rustic yet elegant decoration for an autumn wedding!

Vertical beardless wheat bundles can provide a rustic and natural appeal to your wedding decorations. These wheat bundles can surely suit the reception venue like barns, farms and ranches. Just imagine the elegant appeal of this neatly bundled beardless wheat for an autumn wedding.

You can use green beardless vertical wheat cones in any fall occasions you have in mind. If you want a natural summer hue on an autumn wedding, you will surely love this green wheat bundles! After the wedding day, you can also re -use these wheat design pieces to your homes. Use it to add elegance to your coffee tables or bookcase.

Wheat bundles can be used as design items for your homes and not just on weddings. You will surely love its rustic and natural appeal. Keep your home cozy and inviting with the natural appeal of wheat. Just imagine the elegant and rustic appeal of these wheat bundles. You will surely create a striking harvest display that will last for a long time.

Decorating your home is a fulfilling experience. Use country style designs to add a cozier ambience to your humble abode. You will surely make a happy home for your family. Get Beardless Wheat Bundle at www.CuriousCountryCreations.com.

Thanks To : staub 9.5 inch saute pan

Friday, November 19, 2010

Good Grains Vs Bad Grains - Which Are You Eating?

When you think about good grains and bad grains then what you are usually comparing is the amount of carbohydrates in the grains. Many diets on the market today blacklist grains or feature grains as a whole as the "bad guy" which isn't the case. Like every other type of food you need to evaluate the food in question based on its nutritional value. As a matter of fact unrefined whole grains are excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

In the process of refining grains many of the vitamins and minerals are lost. What happens with refined grains is that the bran and the germ are removed from the grain kernel. When this happens a good portion of what makes the grain so nutritious is lost, namely the protein and the high fibre content. What is left of the grain is just the starchy inner core.

Granted when the milling process takes place synthetic vitamins and minerals are added to the flour it still does not compare the nutritional value of the unrefined. The process of refining also makes for a much fattier content in the finished product. If you compare white bread to whole grain you will notice that not only is the refined white bread lacking in the nutritional value of whole grain but it's fat content is roughly double from the whole grain.

There are many different types of grains available on the market today that are whole grains. When you go to purchase a loaf of bread, check for the label to identify it as "whole grain." You should also check the label to ensure it has over 3g of fiber per serving and that whole grains appear as one of the first ingredients on the ingredient list. Some other products available in its true whole grain form are popcorn, wild rice, oatmeal, brown rice and barley.

If you really love white bread you can actually get a whole grain version of white bread. White whole grain bread is actually made from an albino wheat variety. When this wheat is made into bread it will actually have a sweeter taste compared to the whole grain wheat bread and a softer texture. So in actually you can still have a version of the white bread you love, but a better version which contains much of its original nutritional value.

As you can now see avoiding grains when you are on a diet is simply not a necessity. You can enjoy a sandwich on bread as long as it's in its whole grain form and not feel guilty about cheating on that diet. With whole grains being high in fiber content and nutritional value, whole grains are actually a great addition to virtually any diet. When it comes down to the bottom line you cannot beat the nutritional content that is in the unrefined whole grains.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Click here - FREE How to Lose 20lbs in 4 weeks without Special Diets

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Whole Grain Facts - How to Tell How Much Whole Grain is in Foods

When you go grocery shopping and pick up a loaf of whole grain bread, that sounds like it ought to be really nutritious doesn't it?

Unfortunately, it might not be quite as good as you were hoping. If you look at the labels of breads that are something like "Whole Grain Wheat", you'll likely discover that it doesn't have near nutrients and fiber of bread that's labeled "100% Whole Wheat."

Blame it on marketing ploys. With whole grain foods becoming more popular, the companies are looking to give the consumer what they want... sort of. In other words, if the people buying the bread think it is made with whole grains, that's supposed to push our buttons so we'll buy it. The catch, of course, is while they can put "whole grain" or "wheat" on the label, they aren't saying how much of the product is actually whole grain or wheat. It could be most of it, or it could be they put a tiny bit in there, just enough to be able to say "We used whole wheat flour making this bread."

It might be the last ingredient on the list, the smallest amount of anything put in the bread, but it's still in there, so technically they can say it's made with whole grains!

That's why the 100% Whole Wheat bread has more nutrients, because it is indeed 100% - every bit of the product - whole wheat. If it's labeled 100% whole grain, it has to be whole grain, with no refined grain as part of the ingredient. There can't be any bleached or unbleached white flour hiding in there.

That's the rules, as formulated by the FDA. They consider "whole grain" to include cereal grains that consist of the intact, ground, cracked or flaked fruit of the grains whose principal components -- the starchy endosperm, germ and bran -- are present in the same relative proportions as they exist in the intact grain. Such grains may include barley, buckwheat, bulgur, corn, millet, rice, rye, oats, sorghum, wheat and wild rice.

The Whole Grains Council, a nonprofit consumer advocacy group, is trying to make it easier for consumers to see how much grain is in a product. They've made labels for manufacturers to use showing how much whole grain is in their products.

There are two kinds of stamps, the Basic stamp and the 100% stamp. They look a little like a postage stamp, being mostly yellow and brown. There is a sheaf of grain on the stamps, with "WholeGrainsCouncil.org" running up the right side on a black border.

If a product bears the Basic Stamp, it contains at least 8g - a half serving - of whole grain, but may also contain some refined grain. Even if a product contains a large amount of whole grain, it will use the Basic Stamp if it also contains extra bran, germ, or refined flour.

If a product bears the 100% Stamp, then all its grain ingredients are whole grains. For these products, there is a minimum requirement of 16g - a full serving - of whole grain per labeled serving.

Each Stamp also shows a number that tells you how many grams of whole grain ingredients are in a serving of the product.

Since the stamp isn't required, there can still be products out there that are whole grain but don't have one of these handy stamps on the label. In that case, all you can do is check the ingredients list to see if it states how many grams of whole grain are in the product. If it says "100%" you're good to go. If all it says is something like "crackers made with whole grain", be wary. It's only pretending to be a whole grain health food.

Other waffle-words include wheat flour, semolina, durum wheat, organic flour, and multigrain (may describe several whole grains or several refined grains, or a mix of both). None of these specifies a 100% whole grain product.

These words on the label -- enriched flour, degerminated (on corn meal), bran and wheat germ -- are never 100% whole grains. Enriched flour loses most of the nutrients it contained in processing, so a little stuff is thrown back in to "enrich" it and make it sound like a better buy. Why not eat the whole grains to start with?

In short, be careful of tricky labeling. Sometimes labels barely contain a grain of truth.

The bottom line? If you want whole grain foods, look for labels that SAY 100% whole grain, either in the ingredients list or by displaying the 100% whole grain stamp.

And that's the whole grains facts.

By the way, you can learn lots more about healthy foods and making easy changes to make your diet healthier at the http://www.HealthFoodMadeEasy.com site. And discover even more great tips for a healthy diet here right now!

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bread Calories - How Much Bread Should You Include in Your Diet?

People have been eating bread since before the invention of writing. Bread is appreciated for it's taste and texture, And is included in the menu of many people. We all eat bread. But is it good for our diets? First, let's discuss bread calories. White bread calories count for 100 grams is approximately 220 calories. This means that a bread slice has about 70 calories. The same goes for pita bread calories. White rolls have a bit more with 270 calories for 100 calories.

Now, here is a surprise. Most of us know that whole bread is better for your diet then white bread. But a whole wheat bread calories count is 100 grams of whole wheat bread has also around 220 calories, just like white bread. Wait, what? Exactly like white bread? So what makes whole wheat that much better? Well, the benefit from whole wheat bread doesn't come from a lower amount of bread calories, rather, it comes from the other nutrients in it. Whole wheat bread contains complex carbs, in comparison to white bread that contains simple carbs.

Complex carbs are slower to break down into energy. Making the 220 bread calories available throughout more time. This has two advantages: First, instead of an energy spike that fades quickly and leave you tired, Complex carbs will supply you with a the same amount of energy spread longer. When energy is not used properly it turns to fat. And that is exactly why the whole wheat bread calories count of 220 is much better then white wheat bread. Second, whole wheat bread will make you feel fuller - making you eat less of it.

But what about other foods that are rich with carbs? Well white rice, for example, has about 250 calories for 100 grams. That is even a little more then bread. It's about the same with potatoes (baked, not fried). Brown rice, on the other hand, has about 150 calories for 100 grams, so you can see there's a big difference here. So you see, bread calories count is pretty average considered to other carb rich food. But unlike other carb rich foods, people eat bread throughout the day along with other meals.

My advice to you is to eat whole wheat bread, but eat it in moderation. Keep a check on how much you eat. Don't eat bread from the basket in restaurants, don't add bread to a full meal just because you're used to it. It's ok to eat some when you are hungry (depending on your diet), but make sure to slice it thin!

Click Here to find out what's wrong with your diet

Click Here to use your mind and make your diet easier

Good luck,

David H. Mason

My Links : all clad lasagna pan

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Popular Types of Baked Bread

Bread is an essential part of our meals. We all love breads due to its nutritious and easy to digest nature. There are different variants of bread. Wheat is essential ingredient of bread, but its other ingredients like fruit extracts, chocolates or cream that defines the variety of breads. People from all over the world eat breads. Some prefers home made simple breads, whereas some people prefer eating breads made by popular bakeries. Baking bread is not as difficult as many people think. But making delicious breads like Mexican bakeries you need extra expertise. Mexican bakeries are very much popular due to the variations in types and taste of breads.

Some most popular examples of breads from Mexican bakeries are as follows:

Conchas - Conchas are the most traditional products of Mexican bakeries in breads segment. It is a most popular and easily visible type of bread found on the family table for breakfast and even dinner. Conchas are made in different colors like chocolate, pink, white and yellow. It is prepared from dough rich in sugars, butter and eggs, which results in unique taste and soft texture. It is formed by hand then covered with a sweet paste made of different flavors, using a mold to mark the figure of a shell.

Bolillos - The Bolillo is probably the most popular and recognizable bread made by Mexican bakeries. It is basically a French-roll cut with a knife. Bolillo, popularly called as "Pan De Labranza" is the only bread produced by Mexican bakers was the Bolillo for thousands of years. The Bolillo is baked directly on the hot floor of the oven, producing a thick and crunchy crust. At baking time the Bolillo is required to be placed uniformly in the oven allowing the heat and vapor to circulate freely.

Empanadas - This is an example of traditional breads being eaten in many countries. This product is characterized by the filling made up of a large variety of fruits and is distinguished for its flavor of lightly sweetened dough. The original shape is made by hand, giving the edges a curly trim.

Artimex Artisan Mexican Bakery offers a wide-array of delicious, freshly baked Mexican breads and authentic Spanish bakery recipes like Conchas, Bolillo, Rosca de Reyes, Pan de Muerto, Empanadas, Polvorones and Puerquitos for any meal, occasion, or special celebration. For more information please visit: http://www.artimexbakery.com/

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Foods High in Magnesium - Top Five Choices

When making a healthy meal plan, not everyone is thinking about how much magnesium is in their diet. It is not a commonly understood mineral, but rest assured that foods high in magnesium help your body produce and transport energy, as well as assist in the synthesizing of proteins. In this article, I'll cover the five best sources of magnesium. You might first be a little worried that these foods might be strange and scary, but odds are you're probably already eating most of them!

1. Spinach

Popeye had it right all those years ago: if you want healthy muscles and a healthy nervous system, you need to eat spinach. Not only does it have one of the highest concentrations of the stuff, but it also contains high doses of calcium, vitamin C, and carotenoids (which acts as antioxidants).

2. Black Beans

Although they are far more popular in Asia than in North America, the black bean is a power food; not only is it a great source of magnesium and dietary fiber, but it also acts as an antioxidant, and is one of the best sources of protein. It can also help regulate blood sugar, which makes it an ideal food for anyone suffering from diabetes.

3. Pumpkin Seeds

If you've been looking for a healthy snack, you might want to try pumpkin seeds. Beyond the health benefits of its high magnesium content, these little miracles help prevent osteoporosis, improve the functioning of the prostate, and can even lower Cholesterol (note that a great trick for making them tasty without compromising the health benefits is to sprinkle soy sauce on them and roast the seeds in the oven).

4. Whole Wheat Bread

When choosing what type of bread to eat, it is recommended that you stay away from any form of refined flower, since the process robs wheat of its nutrients. That's why whole wheat bread is healthier, providing not only magnesium to your diet, but also fiber, niacin, and omega 3's. The added benefit of whole wheat bread is the fact that it also regulates your body's blood glucose level, an important trait for anyone trying to lose weight.

5. Bananas

Although this delicious fruit may not have as much magnesium as some of the other power foods, it still makes the list because of the other health benefits it offers. They are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin B6 (which helps fight insomnia and chronic fatigue). Some studies have also found that eating bananas can help individuals who suffer with depression.

The quest to eat healthy food can often seem overwhelming and confusing, but in truth it can be easy so long as you remember what types of foods give you the most nutritional "bang" for your buck. Foods high in magnesium offer more than this essential mineral, and you'll find that once you add them to your diet, you'll be wondering what life was like without them?

For even more free tips and advice on foods high in magnesium, come check out what's inside the number one site for health and fitness on the net:


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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Food - Breads

If you sit down and really think about it, there are more kinds of breads than you can possibly imagine. While we're certainly not going to try to cover every single variety and brand, we will touch on a few of the more common ones.

While nutritionists will claim that it's probably the most worthless thing you can put in your mouth because of the refined white flour, white bread is probably the best selling bread in the United States anyway. The brands of white bread are numerous to say the least. You've got your Arnold, Wonder, Pepridge Farm and a slew of others, not to mention all the bargain basement store brands. But white bread isn't just white bread anymore. You've got your thin sliced, you diet white, your enriched white and so on. No two white breads even taste anything alike. When you think about it, that's not a bad little trick, even if they all do have the nutritional value of a tree stump.

So thank goodness we have whole wheat bread to the rescue. While most commercial whole wheat breads probably still have too much sugar in them, they're still a step up from white, especially in the fiber department. White breads have almost no fiber at all while whole wheat breads have anywhere from 2 to 3 grams of fiber per slice. So if nothing else, whole wheat breads, not to be confused with whole grain or multi grain breads, are great for keeping you regular. Most of the white bread companies also make whole wheat, but your better whole wheat breads are the off brands.

Then of course you have your rye breads. Rye bread is something that you just have to have with corned beef. There's nothing like a corned beef sandwich with a little mustard on a good Jewish rye bread. Most of the better rye breads come with caraway seeds, which are pretty much an acquired taste, but there are those that come without seeds. Probably the most popular rye bread is Beefsteak Rye.

Think we've covered it all? We haven't even scratched the surface of the bread army. There's rye's fancy cousin, the pumpernickel bread. This bread is probably one of the heartiest and tastiest breads you will ever want to eat. These breads are very high on fiber and can be a meal in themselves.

Then of course you've got bread's cousins. These are your rolls, bagels, croissants and the like. Each one of these has their special purpose. For example, rolls, which come in a zillion varieties alone, are great for sandwiches where you want to really pile up on the lettuce and other condiments. Bagels are great for cream cheese and other spreadables and croissants are good all by themselves or with a little butter or jam.

And still, we've just scratched the surface. Yes, there are more kinds of breads for more kinds of occasions than you can possibly imagine. Of course that doesn't mean that you can't slap a couple of meatballs between two slices of rye bread.

Who knows? It might actually be good.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Food

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

How To Diet For Weight Loss-Weight Management


Good health has to do with general physical and mental well-being in a person. It is necessary for us to understand and maintain this state of well-being in order to have our bodies for us to understand and maintain this state of well -being in order to have our bodies function at optimal level. This can be achieved through healthy eating, which simply means eating a balanced diet. It's important that we make an effort to follow a healthy diet, and if possible, a weight loss programme.

You can opt for either a crash, or a steady progressive diet programme. While the former gives faster results, the latter gives long term but sure results.

The crash programmes are usually used to kick start diet programmes. A good diet programme should provide enough nutritional value to make it healthy enough. Being on a diet should not prevent you from eating enough food throughout the day. Eat balanced meals made up of five small meals, spread out through the day.

For positive results, you must change your attitude towards food, and do away with bad eating habits. All foods are necessary for good health, only if eaten in the right proportion and in the right way. A balanced meal should be approximately in the following proportion - carbohydrates 50%, protein 30% fats 20%.

Breakfast can comprise of cereals, or slice of whole wheat bread with egg white/few sardines or four bean (Nigerian) balls/ moi-moi [bean meal] with Nigerian pap as well as honey, low or non - fat / milk, fresh fruits and juices.

Lunch: assorted soups, grilled or boiled chicken, fish, lean beef with salads or whole wheat bread/crackers; as well as fresh fruit/ juices, low or non - fat milk/diet Coke. Small portions of healthier carbohydrates like plantain, yam potatoes, [corn meal] can be eaten with plenty of vegetable soup [Nigerian].
Dinner: assorted soups, salads or good portion of lean protein as well as fruits/ juices. All foods should be eaten in small quantities.


Snack mainly on your essential fruits, vegetable as well as juices, yogurt and low or non - fat milk. With this diet programme, you can lose 1kg in 2 weeks.

I am Frances, a grandmother and retired teacher passionate about healthy living especially, in the area of diet choices and incorporating foods with healing properties into the daily diet. I believe that adequate nutrition can be the medicine of tomorrow. Visit http://eatandstayhealthy247.blogspot.com for amazing tips that would save you hospital bills and provide remedy to certain ailments just by eating right.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Quick Healthy Dinner Ideas - 4 Key Ingredients a Healthy Sandwich Must Have

If you already had a cooked meal for lunch, you will most likely not feel like cooking again for supper. After all, you've been working hard whole day. Now, you just want to get some food on the table quickly and then go enjoy your evening. It's anyways better to rather have a light meal instead of another big one.

Sandwiches are an excellent solution. They make great healthy filling meals but are still light - provided of course you choose low-calorie ingredients. And most of them go really quick and won't take much of your time to prepare.

There are endless possibilities of what you can put on your sandwich. Be creative! But make sure you choose from the following key ingredients:

Whole wheat bread
Low calorie spreads and toppings
Low calorie sauces and dressings
Salad, vegetables, legumes or fruit

Whole wheat bread

Whole grain products have several advantages over processed white foods. On the one hand, they fill you much quicker and for longer because they are high in fiber. That means, especially if you eat slowly, you are very unlikely to eat too much, and you won't get hungry again quickly.

You can use whole wheat bread, rolls, toast alternating to get more variety. Maybe there are even different types of whole wheat bread available.

Low calorie spreads and toppings

What would a sandwich be without ham or cheese? That's okay. But choose lean ham and low fat cheese so that your sandwich stays healthy instead of becoming a calorie bomb. Prefer fat reduced margarine to butter and buy low calorie spreads. Low fat cottage cheese makes great spreads when you mix it with some spices. But no matter what you use, don't put too much of it on as this will add up calories.

Cooked or grilled meat that you still got in your fridge also makes great toppings for sandwiches. For example, slices of grilled chicken breast, or the rest of your meat loaf. I also love to put shredded tuna on (canned in water, not oil!). Salmon slices are a bit pricy but taste delicious on a whole wheat roll topped with sliced onions and sprinkled with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Low calorie sauces and dressings

Sauces and dressings do a great job in making your sandwich special. Choose fat reduced mayonnaise and try to avoid ready made sauces since many of them contain quite a bit of sugar. If you do want tomato sauce on, apply only a thin layer.

Alternately, you can make your own healthy sauces and dressings at home, for example a salsa from canned tomatoes, onion and green pepper.

Salad, vegetables, legumes or fruit

Don't forget to put some really healthy stuff on your sandwich! Salad leaves are great and quick. If you have cooked or grilled vegetables at hand, mash them and use them as a spread on your meat sandwich. Or slice them. Home made salsa or baked bean salad is also a good option. Sliced onions taste great on sandwiches. And if you like it sweet, why not adding slices of fruit? Or pineapple rings or peach halves?

By including a big portion of these foods, you make sure that you got low calorie toppings with plenty of vitamins and minerals. This will contribute greatly to make your sandwich a healthy and filling meal.

If it comes to preparing the sandwich, you got plenty of possibilities to make it exciting. You can make a burger, grill any kind of sandwich in the oven, use rolls today and toast tomorrow... You can even make a buffet: Just put everything on the table and allow people to make their own sandwiches. Much less work for you and much more time you can socialize with your family.

Want to eat healthier and be healthier? Eat delicious healthy meals, no matter how hectic your life is? Bettina Berlin, a health professional with special interest in healthy diet, will show you how. Visit Elisha's Recipe World today on http://www.elishas-quick-recipes.blogspot.com and get your FREE ebook Cooking Healthy Meals In A Hurry with 16 amazing tricks how to prepare your favorite dish in less time! Also get your FREE healthy diet tips and many fantastic quick easy recipes!

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Food Storage Recipes: Whole Wheat Bread From Start to Finish

Homemade whole wheat bread is one of my top ten foods of all time. I normally don't even like wheat bread, but fresh whole wheat, hot bread, butter, and honey make it a favorite treat around our household. While it can seem intimidating to do this yourself, it really isn't once you get the hang of it. There are three components you need to learn about to make our own bread from scratch: the grain, the grind, and the bread.


Types of wheat

Spring or winter: Winter red wheat tends to hava slightly higher protein and is a bit harder than content than spring. Winter red is better for baking bread. There is not a significant difference in hard or soft white wheat.

Hard or soft: Hard wheat varieties have higher gluten (protein) and are better for making breads. Soft varieties have lower protein and nutrients and are better for pastries, pastas, and breakfast cereals.

Red or white: Red wheats tend have a stronger wheat flavor than white wheats. Most red wheat varieties are hard, and most white wheat varieties are soft, but you can find soft red and hard white if you really prefer one over the other.

I have found the best wheat for bread to be hard white wheat (either spring or winter). It has a less "wheaty" flavor but still has a pretty equivalent nutritional profile.


If unopened, the optimum shelf life of wheat is 12 years or more. It is edible for a lot longer than that, but won't necessarily keep the same flavor or nutrient levels. If opened, wheat will stay good for about 3 years.

Once it is ground into flour, wheat loses most of its nutrients within a few days unless you store it in the freezer. You can add oxygen absorbers, bay leaves, or dry ice to help keep critters out of your wheat.


A lot of people are intimidated by grinding wheat, or wonder how you grind wheat. It's actually really simple and wheat grinders are available in a wide range of prices. The main thing you need to decide is if you are planning to use your wheat stores on a regular basis and rotate through them, or if you only want to use your wheat in an emergency situation.

If you plan to use your wheat frequently it is worth investing in a quality electric grinder. I recommend the Wondermill Grain Mill after testing several of the popular mills on the market. It is the fastest, cleanest, quietest, and most convenient of electric grinders. For emergency-only usage, a hand grinder will be sufficient, but make sure that you get one that can still grind into a flour fine enough for bread. The Back to Basics grinder is the cheapest one I found that would still grind flour.


After searching long and hard for the BEST whole wheat bread recipe, we finally found one that was darn near perfect. It was fluffy, delicious, good for sandwiches, and even the kids would eat it!

You can half this recipe and make one delicious large loaf

3 c. very warm water (but not too hot)
1 T. instant or quick rise yeast
1/3 c. vegetable or canola oil
1/3 c. honey
1 T. salt
6 cups whole wheat flour (hard white wheat is best)
1/2 c. whole oats
1/4 c. gluten w/ vitamin C

Combine the first 5 ingredients and mix. Add 5 cups flour, oats, and gluten flour. Mix well. Continue to add the other 1 c. flour slowly until the dough forms a ball and scrapes the excess dough off the sides of the bowl. Let mix for 5-10 minutes. While mixing, preheat your oven to 100-125 degrees.

Oil the counter surface & your hands (Use oil, NOT flour). Put your dough on the oiled surface & slice WITH A KNIFE into 2 large or 3 small even loaves. Pat down and roll into loaf shape, then put into greased bread pan.

Turn OFF your oven, cover loaves LOOSELY with saran wrap, and put in warmed oven to rise till double (about 45-60 minutes, depending on humidity in the air). Remove loaves from oven and preheat to 350 degrees. Bake loaves for 25-30 minutes. Remove from pans immediately and place on a wire cooling rack.

About the Author:
Jodi has a passion for learning about emergency preparedness and food storage in order to help her family be prepared for any kinds of emergency situations. She shares more food storage recipes and other great tips for planning, buying, and eating your food storage over at her blog Food Storage Made Easy.

If you are new to food storage, sign up for the FREE BabyStep Checklists which will walk you through the entire process of putting together a basic emergency preparedness plan, water storage, three month food supply, and year supply of long term food storage.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Origins of Enzymes

Enzymes are essential to the human body. We have a matter of enzymes that we are both with and that are already present in our body. However, these enzymes can't break down the foods that we eat all on our own. For this purpose, it is important that humans eat an enzyme-rich diet.

Digestive enzymes are obtained from plants. Animal derived enzymes are derived from the pancreas of slaughtered pigs or cows. Unlike plant enzymes that function in both the acidic environment of the stomach and the alkaline environment of the small intestine, pancreatic enzymes function in just the alkaline environment of your small intestine. Further, pancreatic enzymes typically will be destroyed by the acids in your stomach, and therefore, they are not nearly as effective as plant enzymes. The good news is that protease, amylase, lipase, lactase,
cellulase and more can be derived from plant enzymes.

Eating raw foods helps to prevent depletion of the body's own enzyme stores and thus helps to reduce the stress on the body. Food cooking, milling, processing, canning. dehydrating, microwaving and irradiating are detrimental processes that render our foods enzyme-less.

Thousand of years ago, our ancestors ate their food raw. As they became more resourceful, they began grilling meat, steaming vegetables, and baking bread. Today, almost everything we consume is cooked, with the exception of an occasional piece of fruit or small side salad.
Unfortunately, enzymes are extremely sensitive to heat. Dairy products, including butter, have no enzymes because they are pasteurized. Baked breads have their enzymes "baked" out of them. Breakfast cereals are devoid of digestive enzymes because they have been roasted. However, cooking is absolutely necessary for many foods. Imagine eating uncooked rice or wheat kernels.

Cooking food breaks down the resilient fibers in many foods, which makes vitamins and minerals more accessible. Without cooking meat, you are exposed to the serious risk of bacterial presence, such as Salmonella and E. coli. Therefore, it is not only impractical but can be downright dangerous to eat some foods in their raw enzyme-rich state. Virtually all the foods we consume lack enzymes that are naturally inherent in their raw state. Even low to moderate heat (18° F or above) destroys most enzymes in food, so to obtain enzymes from the diet, one must eat raw foods. It is a fact that a cooked food diet causes a large outpouring of enzymes from our digestive organs.

Although it is one of the most common ways that enzymes are destroyed, cooking isn't the only way that our foods lose their enzymes. Certain processing procedures strip away enzymes and leave nothing but dead food. Examples include the milling and refining of grains and rice. Most Americans spent their early childhood eating white bread. During the milling and refining process, wheat bread becomes white bread because it is stripped of everything healthy in order to make it white. Whole wheat bread is full of wheat germ and wheat bran, both of which contain vitamins, minerals, protein, fat, fiber, and enzymes found naturally in the wheat berry. Milling removes the nutrient-rich wheat berry, and the remainder is ground into minuscule particles, bleached with harsh chemicals, and then aged. The few enzymes that do remain are destroyed during the baking process.

"Enriched" white bread isn't much better, either. Bread that is labeled "enriched" contains 75% less fiber than whole wheat bread and also lacks the minerals zinc and copper. The process of enriching or fortifying bread does put back a lot of the enzymes that are lost, but it does not replenish the original enzyme content.

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Magic Chef Bread Maker Recipes

Bread maker machines have become enormously popular in recent years and it is not difficult to understand why, when you can simply pop in the ingredients and let the machine make fabulous bread for you.

Below is 2 delicious recipes for you to prepare today:

1. 100% Stone Ground Whole Wheat Bread

Amount Measure Ingredient - Preparation Method:

- 3 cups 100% Whole Wheat Flour-level
- 3/8 cup Wheat gluten flour-level
- 1 1/2 cups Water at 110 degrees
- 3 tablespoons Honey
- 4 teaspoons Active dry yeast
- 2 teaspoons Salt-heaping


- Mix in separate bowl, flour, gluten flour and salt.
- Pour water into bread pan. It is important to use thermometer and that the water be 110 degrees.
- Sprinkle yeast into the water. Stir with wooden spoon until yeast is thoroughly dissolved.
- Add honey. Stir with wooden spoon until honey is thoroughly dissolved.
- Add flour mixtures.
- Gently stir in each corner of pan to help mix mixture.
- Place container in bread machine.
- Put on Bread menu (medium or light).
- Bread Freezes well.

2. 100% Whole Wheat Bread for Bread Machine

Amount Measure Ingredient - Preparation Method

Regular Loaf

- 1 cup Water
- 2 1/2 cups Wheat bread flour
- 1 1/4 tablespoons of Dry milk
- 1 teaspoon Salt
- 1 1/2 tablespoons Butter
- 1 1/4 tablespoons Honey
- 1 tablespoon Gluten
- 2 teaspoons Molasses
- 1 1/2 teaspoons Fast-Rise yeast *** OR ***
- 2 teaspoons Active-Dry yeast

Large Loaf

- 1 1/2 cups + 2 tb Water
- 3 3/4 cups Wheat bread flour
- 2 tablespoons Dry milk
- 1 1/2 teaspoons Salt
- 2 tablespoons Butter
- 2 tablespoons Honey
- 1 1/2 tablespoons Gluten
- 1 tablespoon Molasses
- 2 1/8 teaspoons Fast-Rise yeast *** OR ***
- 3 teaspoons Active-Dry yeast


The trick to making 100% whole wheat bread in your machine is an extra knead, which gives the yeast and gluten a second chance to create a lighter loaf.

When your first knead cycle is completed, simply reset the machine and start again. Some manufacturers produce home bakeries with a whole wheat cycle; If your machine doesn't have one, this start- again method works as an easy alternative.

Success Hints:

The gluten gives the whole wheat flour the structure necessary for a good loaf. If your market doesn't stock wheat gluten, try your local health food store. Remember the extra knead. It's especially important in 100% whole wheat bread. Because of the extra knead, use this recipe only on the regular bake cycle.

Want more recipes? You welcome to visit our website: The Recipes Package and Affordable Pasta Salad Recipes for more delicious recipes.

See Also : all clad copper core 14 piece cookware set

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