Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why Whole Wheat Over White Bread


Wheat bread, white bread, which one is better for you and why? Many nutritionist today are strongly suggesting that you replace your white bread intake with whole grain breads. So let's see which one is actually better for you.

The Making Of Bread

The making of bread starts with wheat heads. The wheat head contains bran, germ and endosperm.

Bran - This is the outer layer of the wheat head.
Germ - Inner layer of the wheat head.
Endosperm - In between the bran and the germ is the starchy endosperm.

All three of these parts of the wheat head are nutritional for you.

White Bread

When making white bread, the only part of the wheat head used is the starchy part called the endosperm. By doing this all the good nutrients are removed. Some white breads are "fortified" to put the missing nutrients back in. But this doesn't even come close to the natural vitamins and minerals found in wheat bread.

The significant element missing from this type of bread is fiber. But one slice of white bread also contains almost 250 mg of Omega-6, an essential fatty acid. Our western diet is already too high in Omega-6 and we need to reduce our consumption of sources of Omega-6.

Wheat Bread

Wheat bread uses all parts of the wheat head, which makes it more nutritional than white. Whole wheat bread has much more fiber and more vitamins such as vitamin B-6, vitamin E, and the minerals chromium, zinc and folic acid.

Whole wheat bread appears to have the best source of vitamins and minerals than white bread. But wheat bread made from the whole grain also has Omega-6.


Since we have entered the modern era, our increased consumption of processed foods has increased our absorption of Omega-6. We have about 20 times as much Omega-6 than we need. To much Omega-6 can affect our immune system giving us auto-immune disease.


White bread does not have all the health benefits found in wheat bread. Some of this bread can be found that has been "fortified" but this does not bring white bread even close to the benefits that wheat bread has.

Both types of breads, white and wheat, should be eaten in small amounts because of the amounts of Omega-6 they have in them. To much Omega-6 can affect your immune system causing potential auto-immune diseases which causes the immune system to attack healthy parts of the body.

Walter Chase made a life style change when he was 35. When that happened he started taking supplements, exercising, which included weight lifting and running. Walter started taking Omega - 3 supplements five years ago and has seen many positive benefit. Receive a free e-book all about the benefits of Omega-3, at his web site http://www.goodfattyacids.com/.

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